Along the Coast
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Snow Trees
Snowdrop Swathe
The Walk to the Lake
Water’s Edge
SIZE Images are 445mm x 330mm
Approx 17.5ins x 13ins
Durdle Door
Southwold Pier
Buttercups and Cow-Parsley
Across the Harbour
Forgotten Corner
The Wind in the Barley
Beach Boats
Winter Shadows
Seaside Hollyhocks
Moorings at Low Tide
Curlews on the Coast
Blossom in the Wind
Flight over the Barley
River Walk
A Fine Day for Lapwings
Twilight Hunter
Ploughing the Furrows
Flight Path
Dance me to the end of Love (commission NFS
Red Barn Gallery wedding venue only)
Running Hares
Dandelion Clocks
Down the Green Lane
Sunlight across the fields
Cloud Reflection
Seagulls on the Bay
Morning Tide
Down to the Sea
Three Gates
Swallows in Summer
Starling Murmuration
Pheasant Circle
Tide Rising
Barn Owl in Winter
Running Through the Barley
Oystercatchers on the Shore
Gulls Landing
Sandpipers on the Shore
Seashore Oystercatchers
Hunting the Fields
Oystercatchers in Flight
Pheasant Trio
Carefree Days
Saltmarsh Heron
Flying along
Water’s Edge
Harvest Days
Riverside Flight
Woodland Pheasants
Springtime Lapwings
Hares in Winter